
Making Bone Broth for Dogs

Posted by Michael Peterson on

Domesticated animals such as dogs and house cats tend to eat either commercially prepared foods or home cooked meals.  Two areas that tend to be neglected in both are calcium from bone meal and collagen from ligaments and connective tissues.   Collagen is very useful for animals that are showing the effects of arthritis or are suffering digestive disorders.  Just as leaky gut has made it’s way into discussions regarding human health, it is also an issue for animals.  This can be aggravated by the use of antibiotics and other medications.  An easy way to get more collagen into your dogs...

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Tips for Managing Pancreatitis in Dogs

Posted by Michael Peterson on

I’ll never forget the day that our toy poodle, Angel, was struck down by acute pancreatitis when she had just turned seven years old. She became so violently ill that we thought we were going to lose her. With blood coming out of both ends, our vet at the time, did nothing to coat her stomach or intestines.  Due to her small size (6 1/2 lbs) she ended up spending two nights in the hospital and needing a blood transfusion in order to survive. Since then I’ve gained as much knowledge as possible from both holistic and non-holistic vets. I’ve...

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GastroElm Plus Coupon

Posted by Michael Peterson on

We are currently offering a first time user discount of 10%. This applies to all new customers as well as existing customers using the new system for the first time. Just use the coupon code: Save10 when checking out to get 10% off your entire order. This is a limited time offer. Your order is 100% secure. All payments are processed by Stripe which provides state of the art security and fraud protection. It allows you to use any credit or debit card. You can also save your card with Stripe for future purchases. Place your order today @

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